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Worker's Compensation in Florida

As a business owner, you are not only responsible for your business, but also for your employees. State laws mandate that businesses ensure the protection of their goods and services, as well as do likewise for those working for the business. Many employers believe that worker's compensation is just another overhead expense that will never prove beneficial. However, workman's comp insurance in Jacksonville is an affordable and necessary addition that will protect your and your employees when you need it most.

Outside of Jacksonville? Still need workman's comp insurance? In Palm Coast, Lake City, Palatka, Gainesville, Orlando, or Tampa, or anywhere in Florida, contact us or call Alliance & Associates Commercial Insurance Agency at (904) 494-8898.

Florida: Workman's Comp Insurance

Based on the type of industry you are in, as well as the number of employees you have, you may be required to carry workman's comp insurance for your business. In Jacksonville, worker's compensation is the most efficient process available to return employees injured or harmed on the job back to your workplace quickly. 

Employees in Jacksonville, FL

Workman's compensation insurance provides wage replacements, as well as medical benefits to those employees affected by work-related injuries or illnesses. These benefits and monetary supplements are offered to the employee in exchange for the relinquished rights of that employee to sue you, as the employer, under the claims of negligence. Workman's comp insurance in Jacksonville functions as three main types of insurance, to guarantee that your employees' needs are covered.

  1. Workman's comp acts as disability insurance for your employees. While they are unable to work due to injury or illness, the coverage you provide will act as provision in the place of economic loss.

  2. As a form of health insurance, worker's compensation covers the payment of your employees' medical expenses should they suffer harm or become sick while on the job.

  3. In the event that one of your employees should be accidentally killed under the course of employment, this insurance will cover benefits payable to your employee's dependents.

Worker's Compensation in Florida: A Must Have?

Now that you have a full understanding of the benefits of Jacksonville workman's comp, you can determine if your company is required to carry this type of employee coverage. Based on state law, there are more procedures for industry-specific businesses, but this is a general guideline to decide if your business needs worker's compensation in Jacksonville:

  •  If your business is in an industry, other than construction, and you have 4 or more employees, whether full-time or part-time, you are required to carry worker's compensation along with your other forms of commercial insurance.
  •  If you are in the construction industry and have 1 or more employees, including yourself, that are employed either full-time or part-time, you must also carry workman's comp.

Interested in knowing more about the ins and outs of worker's compensation in Jacksonville and throughout Florida? Call us today!

Contact us or call (904) 494-8898 to speak with a Alliance & Associates Commercial Insurance Agency associate to discuss workman's compensation insurance coverage for your business in Jacksonville, Palm Coast, Lake City, Palatka, Gainesville, Orlando, or Tampa, FL!